One of the blogs I read on a regular basis is Why I Wake Up Every Day authored by Unikorna. She has been kind and gracious to me, and now she had presented me with an award. It is the Liebster Award which is intended to spread bloggerly love.
I have linked to Unikorna's blog and now I get to pass on the love to others who inspire me or whose work I enjoy. The award is meant for blogs with less than 200 followers. I am struggling here because I don't follow many blogs--maybe that's my problem. I don't subscribe to the idea that if I follow them they'll be obligated to follow me. I drop in and sample things I don't follow, but to follow somebody means something more than just putting their names on a list. Recommending a blog for an award is more meaningful to me than just adding them to a list.
Crazy Creative Magazine authored by Hannah is good. It is always funny and it always has heart. I nominate this blog for a Liebster Award.
Aprons in the Kitchen written by Becky is nominated for the Liebster Award. This one is just because I love her. She is my daughter. It thrills me when one of my children shows talent, especially in an area that I love. Besides being my daughter, she is a very good writer.
Laugh With Us Blog is the product of the busy mind and life of Esther. She shares her family stories and joy. She is my third nominee.
When you receive a Liebster Award you are supposed to nominate 3-5 other people to enjoy this honor. Link back to the one who nominated you then to your nominees. I doubt that this will make you instantly famous, but like everybody says, "It's an honor just to be nominated." If you read my blog, check out these people and see what I like about them.
What an honor to be nominated! It's really exciting to have someone read and LIKE what you put so much thought into! I really appreciate your recommendation!
Thanks so much for thinking of me and my blog!
Congratulations again Gayle and I have to say I really like your Liebster choices. Million kisses and one huge hug :).
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