Friday, March 20, 2015

Boring or Bored

Ronald E. Powaski has written about the Trappi...
Ronald E. Powaski has written about the Trappist monk, peace activist, and writer, Thomas Merton. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I find my life to be verging of hopeless and useless. Nobody depends on me. I have no job and no responsibilities. Sounds like a prescription for boredom. On the other hand I have many opport unities to entertain myself and generate enthusiasm for life. I have a relatively large library, two computers, a TV, and a DVD player

I have explored   the idea of becoming a 'solitary';maybe you think of the older word-hermit. Living alone with limited contact to others does make one subject to loneliness and boredom. At least that's the prevailing perception of older people:sick, isolated, lonely. That sorta fits me. 

Becoming a 'solitary' is not just permission to be boring. It's taking on a new role. It's a chance to explore more depth in me. I can compare my life and my thoughts to others in private. I enjoy studying and exploring other cultures and lifestyles through books, TV, and research. Traveling is tiring and expensive, but books and computer searches are revealing and cheap. And it's more fun to grow old this way. If I could be as productive as Thomas Merton was in the tradition of a solitary, I wouldn't worry so much about the boredom or loneliness. There were others who found the solitary life very rewarding. Maybe I will too.