Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Children in Church

Most of the time, I think of Church as an adult activity. It requires concentration, observance of certain conventions, understanding of rituals, and a great deal of metaphoric interpretation.

On the other hand, many families attend together with even the youngest members in attendance. One philosophy maintains children should be introduced as infants and should be guided to practice the rituals and observances early and receive adequate instruction to make it understood.

To gain better attendance  from adults, most people believe in the early introduction philosophy. We love to see them all dressed up for Church with their joyous, smiling faces, and their sweet voices. Sometime their is a down side to all the commotion that attends children in Church. Adults may not be interested in the energetic activity especially when they are meditating or praying or concentrating on a difficult Biblical passage or theological concept.

Indeed, many older adults may view the cacophony as disruptive to the service and disrespectful to God and the purpose of the gathering. 

Of course I find myself in that group that comes from an older and more restrained practice. I imagine that those who value order and 
discipline view running children as unacceptable in Church. Most of the conversations I hear, settle the argument in favor of tolerance of the status quo, but they may be losing potential members who aren't so broad minded on the subject.

Monday, January 2, 2017

New Year's Eve

Celebrate the New Year!

It's New Year's Eve and I'm home alone. Does this mean I'm lonely? No, certainly not! It just means I'm able to do as I please. I can write in the blog, or read, catch up on the news, study my Sunday school lesson, or make paper butterflies for Jennifer. Which would you choose?

I've been 80 for almost a month now and I'm getting used to it. It's not really so different from 79.  I am learning to enjoy sleeping late and I'm also getting used to realizing that it's never going to be 1986 again.

I don't make New Year's Resolutions anymore. I just try to focus on a few things I want to do before we do this again. I'm old, so I've already done most of the things that matter. But in 2017 I would like to write in my blogs with better style and purpose. I would like to feel like I are doing a better job of it this year. I do write a lot of blogs, so it could be very difficult to get to all of them ever week with new and compelling topics. I may be I'll have to do more research, have some new experiences, and accomplish some new tasks. Check in now and them to see how I'm doing. See you next year!